Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Tasker Post

Since there have been a few comments about the Tasker post, I am going to post another Tasker profile. There was a comment about using Tasker to replace Juice Defender. I hate to keep you waiting but I need to play around for a while with the setups. Enough of the wait...Here is Sleep Mode for Tasker.

1)Set up a new profile titled "Sleep Mode" and select Context is "State" then "Power"  the source is "All"(You can choose all if you want since we will be using times to use this action)

 2)Add new Task named "Silent Mode" and select "Audio" then select "Silent Mode" be sure to change mode to "on". You will then want to add another task. Select "Variable" and then choose "Variable Set". You want to choose your Name to be "%SLEEPMODE" and your To should be "1"

3)You are now going to add an Exit Task. Click on Silent Mode and add Exit Task.  You will then want to add a new Task. I named this "Normal Mode" You want to add task. Select "Audio". Select Silent Mode and set it to "Off". We then want to add another task so click the plus button. We are going to add a new "Variable". Select "Variable Clear". Type in %SLEEPMODE and click done and done again.

4) Click on where is says "Power" and select "Add". You want to choose time and select your times then press done ( I am pretty sure you want the "repeat" off. So don't select it.)

**Here Come The Tricky Part**

If there is some sort of emergency you need certain people to call you. Here is where we add exceptions.

5)We want to add a new profile Select "New". I named this Emergency Calls.. Here we want to add an "Event" We want to select "Phone" and then " Phone Ringing". I think we can leave the priority to normal. If you select the magnifying glass here is where you can add your contacts. Select done.

6) We now want to select "Phone Ringing" and add a task. Select "Tasker" then select "If". We want " %SLEEPMODE = 1 " make sure the middle is "Maths: Equals".

7) Add a new Task. Select "Audio"  Select "Silent Mode" Silent Mode should be set to "Off". Select Done

8) Add New Task. Select Tasker and choose "Wait". This is going to be set to "5 minutes".

9) Add a new Task. Select "Audio"  Select "Silent Mode" Silent Mode should be set to "On". Here we are going to want to add a "IF". So this should be "%SLEEPMODE = 1" Select Done

10) Last but not least we want to add "Task" then select  "Tasker"  and select "End If". At this point don't check anything just select done.

Here is what your setup should look like.

I did not have a chance to test this out. Hopefully tonight I will do some testing and I will post all results. I am just showing you how to set-up a profile and if something goes wrong I am not liable. Thanks for reading

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